Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Recent LPHS kids!

Camryn was made to model...she was so easy to work with...

Andrew was such an easy going kid, and such a fun session! Tell your mom and dad, thanks (not) for Charlie the Unicorn....teehee

Isn't Kayla about the cutest kid ever? She's adorable and her mom is so cool too! thanks guys!

Zach Vanes is one cool cat! We're shooting his outdoor session tomorrow, but thought this one of him in the studio was super!

Mitch Danielson had cool cars, shades and a sport(golf)...what more could you ask for for a photo shoot? Here's with his cars...

Megan Batten is SUPER sweet...I don't know how I keep lucking out with cute, sweet and fun gals like this! Keep 'em coming!

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