Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Shelby from NPHS

Shelby is a very dedicated horse gal...and her horses are so beautiful and sweet! It was a blast to meet them all and spend some time with her and her family at their home....

Monday, October 27, 2008

It's cold here!

Well we come back and it snows...guess we should have realized the 83 and sunny wasn't gonna last...got lots on my desk to get rockin on...look for some new posts this week! Here's a spot we stopped in Tennessee and got out just to see this sunset over the mountains...it was such a beautiful sight!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

We're outta here!

Until the 28th, we're hitting the sandy shores and princess parks in Florida! Every artist needs some time to relax and refresh...this is my time. The whole year I am totally dedicated to the studio and trying to make it better and better all the time, but for the next two weeks, I'm working on some down time with the family...so no bloggin' for me! gotta go pack my flip flops...see ya!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Watch out girls!

This is Jon from Westville, a senior with a killer smile and is a pilot! Need I say anymore...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Recent LPHS kids!

Camryn was made to model...she was so easy to work with...

Andrew was such an easy going kid, and such a fun session! Tell your mom and dad, thanks (not) for Charlie the Unicorn....teehee

Isn't Kayla about the cutest kid ever? She's adorable and her mom is so cool too! thanks guys!

Zach Vanes is one cool cat! We're shooting his outdoor session tomorrow, but thought this one of him in the studio was super!

Mitch Danielson had cool cars, shades and a sport(golf)...what more could you ask for for a photo shoot? Here's with his cars...

Megan Batten is SUPER sweet...I don't know how I keep lucking out with cute, sweet and fun gals like this! Keep 'em coming!

My recent NPHS kids!

Jessica Ebersole is like a supermodel in a bottle! She has this skin tone that is like a china doll and eyes that zing you!

Adam Freeman is an awesome dude from New Prairie, who we've seen get down and crazy at every prom or dance plus he's just a great guy!

Katie Waldo is a rockin' chick who loves purple, so we made her violet dreams come true with this one....aren't her eyes awesome!

Daniel is a cool dude who was lots of fun!

Let's catch up...

So I'm a 38 year old wacky mom of three girls, married forever, and I live, sleep, eat, breathe and snorkel photography. And I hope that it shows in what I do. I love to make moms cry and brides to ooh and ahh...and for seniors to see how rockin' cool they look! I've done photography consistently for the past 9 years, and I figure I've got many more to go.
Seniors are my favorite! I love being creative with them and showing off their individuality...
kids and pets are my next favorite, because they are sooooooo cute! and who can resist a tiny face full of adoring eyes peering at you!? Weddings follow, because I love to capture the romance and beauty in the details for the day that you planned, but don't get to take the time to enjoy..haha! So here we go, lets show some of my past absolute favorites...shall we? we shall!

I apologize in advance!

Right out of the gate, I'm gonna let you know that I will be the goofiest blogger known to mankind...of course, people tell me I haven't seen half the blogs out there. I guess my main purpose of blogging, is to talk to you in a personal way that I don't think my website can. I want to talk to you on a personal level about the things that make me passionate about what I do and my favorite images from each shoot...and I have lots! Talk to you about my family and just be me! I've worked hard on creating the image of "Chris Randall Photography", I forgot sometimes that that name is mine, and you need to know me too! So here we go, enjoy the ride...or not...;-)