Saturday, November 29, 2008

It's not loaded...

Zac's got a beautiful german made 9mm, and I made this up just for him so he'll know how cool his shots (photos, not targets!) are! lol! It's what we're known for, and we continue to deliver each individual with personalized sessions to what they love most!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Subscribe to and be informed!

We've had requests from our clients to keep informed about studio events, so we've added the subscribe link to the bottom of our blog page so you will receive emails with new posts, which may include cool things, like savings, events, and much more....thanks for the request...

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thanks to all my recent seniors!

To say thanks, I made you your very own music video! You guys are awesome, and I hope you all love your shots! Enjoy......

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Cutie Patootie Anna!

We got so many great shots of Anna, she's got a wide range of awesome shots that I can't wait to show her!

Furry Faces Day

Thanks to everyone who turned out for our annual "furry faces day" are just two of the cuties that popped in to pose for a good cause!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Modeling Session

Kaelynn is an aspiring model and I think she's gonna go far! This is one from her session the other day, modeling clothes from Urban Thunder! Go check out their store people, their stuff is awesome!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Button Girl

Jessica and I met while she was on the committee for her school's winter dance last year and she had on the most adorable button necklace, that I love to this day, so I have dibbed her my "button girl", which suits her in other ways, since she is as cute as a button!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

All Smiles....

Ellyn is the kind of girl that you come away smiling after spending time with her...she has this infectious smile that makes you giggle just talking to her. What a sweetheart, and she nailed her session with some great shots! Thanks for being so darn awesome!

Friday, November 7, 2008


Dani was so gorgeous! we had so much fun, it doesn't take work to make her look this good! she's a natural beauty!

Thanks for making it easy!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

So much fun!

Manda is a blast, and the little sister to Heather who I did her senior's a couple years cool is that? She is definitely a model in the making...and this one is only one of several that is my fave's! She told me that today was the most fun taking pictures ever! I consider that a major compliment....thank you!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Abby's Eyes

This is Abby...she came in with her mom and dad for her mom's maternity shoot, she wanted to snuggle up to the belly and she just stood there and stared. I was laughing as she just watched me....wasn't that supposed to be the other way around? Who could resist looking at her little classically sweet face?

Sarah, is about the coolest hair stylist chick around and she's adorable to boot...she's responsible for the days my hair looks normal and not like I've been electrocuted! Which is the normal style for my hair...curly and crazy! Countless hours in her chair have made us good friends and she brought her two boys in, and it was UBER fun....they are adorable just like their mom!

I thought this one was hilarious and summed up the evening....tee hee.